About Surveyor

Surveyors measure, analyse and report land-related information for the planning and regulation of land, sea and the environment. Surveyors may perform the following tasks: measure the size and shape of an area of land using specialised tools and technology determine the position of boundaries of public or private land create property titles through plans for […]

Aktiviti Gotong-Royong pada 31/1/2015

These photos were taken during last Saturday, 31 January 2015. Thank you for everyone’s hard effort. Good Job, everybody!

Meeting Dates for Surveyor Club 2015

Rancangan Tahunan Kelab Surveyor 2015 Meeting Dates for Surveyor Club 2015 24 Jan AGM 31 Jan Aktiviti Gotong-royong 7 Mac Persediaan Projek Powerpoint/ Powerpoint Preparation 21 Mac Mempamerkan Hasil Projek Powerpoint/ Powerpoint Presentation 4 Apr Melukis Pelan Asas Modal Bangunan/ Model Drafting 25 Apr Membuat Modal Bangunan/ Building Model 2 Mei Membuat Modal Bangunan/ Building […]

Ahli Jawatankuasa Kelab Surveyor 2015

Guru Penasihat: En. Ooi Lean Kooi Pn. Tan Lee Lee Pengerusi: Lee Jie Min (S5F) Naib Pengerusi: Yeap Si Xin (S4C) Setiausaha: Chew Shin Yi (S5D) Penolong Setiausaha: Angelic Koay Chi Yee (S4H) Yap Shan Yi (K3E) Bendahari: Lim Yuen Yee (S5B) Penolong Bendahari: Megan Soo Yee Chien (S4A) Soon Ching Wen (K3C) Ketua Disiplin: […]